Religiously Debating Sandwich Classification

04541atSome of us call them Heroes, some call them Subs, others call them Hoagies, Torpedos, Po-boys and some even call them Grinders.  Those who don’t agree with your terminology are likely infidels who must be forced to change their ways or suffer eternal damnation.  That is, at least, should you prescribe to a more medieval view of Sandwichicism.  Thankfully, we no longer live in the dark ages of sandwich related blasphemy where one might lead their angry knights to siege the domains of a rival Subway Sandwich shop.

Then again, one knows there is only one true name and that name is, REDACTED.  That being said, the debate on religion is a similar beast to that of the individual loaf-based sandwich.  Which is the politically correct form, so I am told.


Religions Have Common Threads:

  • Belief in a higher power (or LACK of a higher power)
  • System and process to show one’s belief
  • Guidelines for following this system
  • A general belief that all other religions are inherently wrong

Loaf-Based Sandwiches ALSO Have Common Threads:

  • Belief in consuming various fillings between the sides of an entire baked product (or not, Atheism = Wraps)
  • A general assembly of meats, cheeses and vegetables
  • A structured belief in proper condiments
  • A general belief that anyone who calls their sandwich something else is foreign and wrong

Thankfully no organizations have launched a crusade to liberate Wawa from the loathsome infidels of Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia.  Knowing our brotherly neighbors it’s more likely to be the other way around.  The point here is not to denounce the various heathens who besmirch this noble sandwich with ignominious monikers.  The point is that you should rejoice in your shared camaraderie and share the glories of your personal sandwich preference with any who are of a mind to listen.

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