The Thanksgiving Dilema

The turkey has been carved, the casserole dish is soaking in the sink and you’re staring at a mountain of Tupperware asking yourself “What have we done?”  It’s a good question to ask, after-all you just ate a feast celebrating the genocide of the indigenous cultures of the North American Continent.  If that doesn’t work…

The Problems With A Two Condiment System

Some would argue that America is the greatest nation on the planet.  These people would ignore some facts but hyperbole is always welcome.  The truth is that the nation has a rather troubling two party system. Troubling?  Why do you say that?  Could it be that having to always choose between the lesser of two…

Religiously Debating Sandwich Classification

Some of us call them Heroes, some call them Subs, others call them Hoagies, Torpedos, Po-boys and some even call them Grinders.  Those who don’t agree with your terminology are likely infidels who must be forced to change their ways or suffer eternal damnation.  That is, at least, should you prescribe to a more medieval…

Higher Sandwich Theory

A quick jaunt into the voids and turns of the internet will probably lead you into depths and despair known as Religious and/or Political argument.  These arguments are petty and futile and don’t actually lead people anywhere.  One side says, “We believe thusly.”  The other side says, “You’re mad, and here’s why.” Then the first…