Higher Sandwich Theory

freeimage-4134809-webA quick jaunt into the voids and turns of the internet will probably lead you into depths and despair known as Religious and/or Political argument.  These arguments are petty and futile and don’t actually lead people anywhere.  One side says, “We believe thusly.”  The other side says, “You’re mad, and here’s why.” Then the first side calls them Hitler.

For this reason I find it particularly helpful to refer to things in “Sandwich Form” for what could be more complex and benign than a sandwich?  The two-sided-ness of a debate lends itself most plainly to the form as two slices of bread might be separated by a world of fillings.  The goal of debate is to make the other side see the wisdom of your point of view.  The goal of a sandwich is to enjoy the gooey, savory or sweet center without mussing your hands too greatly.

Consider the Grilled Cheese:

One of the most basic and ingenious of sandwiches and one that illustrates the basic theory of argument as sandwich beautifully.


  • 2 Slices of White Bread
  • 1 tbsp of Salted Butter
  • 2 Slices of Soft Cheese (Processed Cheese “American Cheese” being the most commonly used)

We have, in this case, an argument.  The argument has two sides, A and B, and they are most thoroughly opposed to one another.  Side A argues, “Bread should be buttered on the top side.” Side B counters, “Bread should be buttered on the bottom side.” Side A invariably insinuates that Side B is Hitler.

The problem with arguments is that people fail to see the common ground, or cheese, within the issue.  Consider:

  • Both sides are undeniably bread based
  • Both sides adhere to the liberal use of butter

Linking the opposing sides with their commonality, can we not grill them (on a cast-iron pan or griddle) together until their external offerings are a golden brown and their insides are a delicious gooey liquid?  Perhaps then they might note that it is not that their differences are opposed.  It is that their varied opinions can carry them to the ultimate conclusion of elevated cuisine.

Thus, we have Higher Sandwich Theory.  Distilling a concept into its base (sandwich themed) form and using that to actually explore the debate.  It is hardly a perfect form, but it keeps one from mussing their hands too greatly.

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